Michael Vernon Gause

1125 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404

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Personal Information

This section contains known aliases, birth information, and potential imposters gleaned from public records.

First Name


Middle Name


Last Name


Birth Information


Birth Date

Jan 26, 1978

Known Aliases

Michael V Gause

Images that could belong to Michael
  • ×

Company (Industry)

Job Title


County of Sonoma

Continuum of Care Coordinator

Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 24, 2019


Mental Health Association of San Francisco

Director of Programs and Training

Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 24, 2019


Mental Health Association of San Francisco (Nonprofit Organization Management)

Deputy Director

Nov 25, 2013 - Aug 24, 2019


Tenderloin Housing Clinic

Family Housing Program Manager

Jan 1, 2014


Community Housing Partnership

Youth Services Coordinator

Jan 1, 2014 - Aug 24, 2019


Tenderloin Housing Clinic

Family Housing Program Manaager

Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 24, 2019


Tenderloin Housing Clinic

Support Services Manager

Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 24, 2019


Tenderloin Housing Clinic

Case Manager

Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 24, 2019


Mental Health Association

Community Organizer/Volunteer Coordinator

Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 24, 2019


Social Work

Oct 1, 2009

Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing from Bennington College January 2003 (2000-2003)

Attendance Dates

Jan 1, 2000 - Dec 31, 2003

Qualification Type

Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing


Bennington College January 2003
Master's in Fine Arts, Creative Writing - Short Fiction from Bennington CollegeJanuary 2003 (2000-2003)

Attendance Dates

Jan 1, 2000 - Dec 31, 2003

Qualification Type

Master's in Fine Arts, Creative Writing - Short Fiction


Bennington CollegeJanuary 2003
Bachelor's Degree, English, Highest Honors from Duke University (1996-2000)

Attendance Dates

Jan 1, 1996 - Dec 31, 2000

Qualification Type

Bachelor's Degree, English, Highest Honors


Duke University
Bachelor of Arts, English and Creative Writing from Duke University (1996-2000)

Attendance Dates

Jan 1, 1996 - Dec 31, 2000

Qualification Type

Bachelor of Arts, English and Creative Writing


Duke University
Possible Associates
People that Michael Vernon Gause may have shared a residential or business address with.

Possible Associate #1

Kelly Oneal Gray

42 years old (approximate)

View Background Report

Possible Associate #2

Cara Cammann King

36 years old (approximate)

View Background Report

Possible Associate #3

Catherine Anne Knight

56 years old (approximate)

View Background Report
Magnifying Search

We're sorry, available public records do not currently contain Possible Relationships for Michael Vernon Gause.
We will add this data as soon as it becomes available.

Related Links
Social Security Number

Issued Years


Issued Location

Possible Marriage Records

Report Subject


Married In

Married On

Michael Gause

Marguerite Callista Bailey

Brevard, FL

Aug 6, 1985

Michael A Gause

Donna E Suttles

Los Angeles, CA

Sep 13, 1979

Michael F Gause

Lynne M Salo

Henepin, MN

Jun 20, 1987

Michael Francis Gause

Tracy Cathleen Delehanty

Duval, FL

May 16, 1983

Michael Andrew Gause

Kimberly Marie Gillilan

Collier, FL

Aug 24, 1987

Michael D Gause

Brenda S Newhouse

Kern, CA

Jan 26, 1974

Michael Lee Gause

Sandra Michelle Raynor

Duval, FL

Oct 20, 1985

Michael J Gause

Teresa A Parlett

Marion, IN

Sep 17, 1994

Michael L Gause

Linda A Spichty

Clark, OH

Aug 8, 1987

Michael Scott Gause

Lauria Ann Westberry

Desoto, FL

Jul 27, 2000

Possible Divorce Records

Report Subject


Married In

Married On

Michael Gause

Alice L Gause

Franklin, OH

Dec 10, 1996

Michael F Gause

Tracy Gause

Duval, FL

Aug 13, 1985

Michael W Gause

Constance E Gause

Wabasha, MN

Mar 2, 2000

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Contact Information

This section contains phone numbers, previous phone number and email addresses associated with Michael Vernon Gause

Possible Phone Numbers

Phone Number

(707) 623-9112View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

Santa Rosa, CA 95401






Phone Number

(415) 252-7439View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

San Francisco:Central Da, CA 94108






Phone Number

(415) 310-0947View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

San Francisco:Central Da, CA 94108






Phone Number

(707) 524-3550View Phone Details

Line Type


Carrier Location

Santa Rosa, CA 95401





Possible Emails

Email Address

Valid Since

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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.

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Location History

This section includes all of the locations related to this person. Locations listed may include current residence, past residences, and places of work.

Did you know? You can monitor locations for nearby sex offenders.

Sex Offenders can pose a dangerous threat to your loved ones. Activate Sex Offender Watch with just a flip of a switch to monitor an address for nearby sex offenders. Access all new sex offender alerts in one convenient place by clicking on the “Sex Offender Watch” tab in the navigation bar.

Jul 1, 2015 - Mar 9, 2020


1125 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404-3412


54 Apartments



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
May 1, 2011 - Dec 31, 2016

1130 4th St 215, Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4035


54 Apartments



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Jan 1, 2008 - Sep 11, 2015

700 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA 94121-3302



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Jun 1, 2009 - Mar 31, 2011

341 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5930



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Dec 1, 2007 - Feb 28, 2009

Outside Land Bl

1331 46th Ave B, San Francisco, CA 94122-1171


4 Apartments



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Jun 8, 2006 - Jan 16, 2007

756 Fell St, San Francisco, CA 94117-2625


1 Apartment



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Oct 1, 1996 - Feb 16, 2006

110 Wedge Dr, West Columbia, SC 29172-2582



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Aug 1, 2000 - Jan 23, 2003

Tilley Prop

814 W Markham Ave, Durham, NC 27701-1622



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report

575 Administration Dr 116b, Santa Rosa, CA 95403-2815



Is Deliverable?


Is Receiving Mail?


View Location Report
Possible Neighbors

Neighbors for 1125 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404

Stephanie MazziaView Report


34 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1985 - Apr 7, 1986

Neighbor Address

1126 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404

Phone Number

(707) 523-2189
Christopher MazziaView Report


65 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1954 - Apr 7, 1955

Neighbor Address

1126 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404

Phone Number

(707) 523-2189
Emily TrosperView Report



Date of Birth

Jul 15, 1917

Neighbor Address

1119 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404

Phone Number

(707) 542-3641

Neighbors for 700 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Jamie LandView Report

Neighbor Address

696 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Phone Number

(415) 379-3788
Emily LandView Report


48 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1971 - Apr 7, 1972

Neighbor Address

696 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Phone Number

(415) 379-3788
Ting Ping LouieView Report

Neighbor Address

706 43rd Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94121

Phone Number

(415) 668-5066

Neighbors for 341 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Naomi HuihuiView Report


64 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1955 - Apr 7, 1956

Neighbor Address

337 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Phone Number

(415) 821-2579
L TiradoView Report

Neighbor Address

335 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Phone Number

(415) 695-0826
Felisa TiradoView Report

Neighbor Address

335 Richland Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94110

Phone Number

(415) 695-0826

Neighbors for 1331 46th Ave B, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Dillon RawlingsView Report


27 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1992 - Apr 7, 1993

Neighbor Address

1331 46th Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Phone Number

(415) 702-6230
Rui X WongView Report

Neighbor Address

1332 46th Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Phone Number

(415) 681-4209
Raymond WongView Report


65 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1954 - Apr 7, 1955

Neighbor Address

1332 46th Ave, San Francisco, CA, 94122

Phone Number

(415) 681-4209

Neighbors for 756 Fell St, San Francisco, CA, 94117

Kyle JeffersView Report


39 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1980 - Apr 7, 1981

Neighbor Address

756 Fell St, San Francisco, CA, 94117

Phone Number

(415) 255-7579
Michael GuidryView Report


56 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1963 - Apr 7, 1964

Neighbor Address

750 Fell St, San Francisco, CA, 94117

Phone Number

(415) 553-8553
Siri M MargerinView Report


69 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1950 - Apr 7, 1951

Neighbor Address

766 Fell St, San Francisco, CA, 94117

Phone Number

(415) 863-3771

Neighbors for 110 Wedge Dr, West Columbia, SC, 29172

Buddy GauseView Report

Neighbor Address

110 Wedge Dr, West Columbia, SC, 29172

Phone Number

(803) 755-0182
Gene MorrisView Report

Neighbor Address

113 Wedge Dr, West Columbia, SC, 29172

Phone Number

(803) 955-9471
David SmithView Report


51 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1968 - Apr 7, 1969

Neighbor Address

106 Wedge Dr, West Columbia, SC, 29172

Phone Number

(803) 955-4943

Neighbors for 814 W Markham Ave, Durham, NC, 27701

Lorenzo A LynchView Report


87 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1932 - Apr 7, 1933

Neighbor Address

819 W Markham Ave, Durham, NC, 27701

Phone Number

(919) 682-1480
Leonzo LynchView Report


58 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1961 - Apr 7, 1962

Neighbor Address

819 W Markham Ave, Durham, NC, 27701

Phone Number

(919) 237-3813
Robert BoldenView Report


70 (approx)

Date of Birth

Apr 8, 1949 - Apr 7, 1950

Neighbor Address

807 W Markham Ave, Durham, NC, 27701

Phone Number

(919) 688-4970
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Criminal Records

DISCLAIMER: The criminal record information contained in our reports may not be 100% accurate or complete. This is because the information is pulled from records maintained by government agencies and the information contained in those records may not be 100% accurate or complete. Please use this information as a starting point for your own due diligence and investigation.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover arrest or criminal records information for Michael Vernon Gause.

How did we search for Michael Vernon Gause's data?

We scanned for Michael Vernon Gause's name among hundreds of millions of records from local, state, and federal databases in all 50 states.

Why didn't anything show up?

  • 1
    Some counties and states don't disclose certain information about arrest or criminal records.
  • 2
    Michael Vernon Gause might not have a criminal or arrest record!
  • 3
    Michael Vernon Gause's record is still being processed in their county.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If arrest or criminal records data for Michael Vernon Gause becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

'0' Results Found

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Sex Offender Information

This section displays the names, locations, and offenses of individuals charged with sex crimes living in close proximity to the locations associated with the subject of this report. Individuals listed below may have been charged with sex crimes as indicated. We make no representation as to the current status of these individuals. Some individuals listed below may no longer be required to register or report to state sex offender registries.

Did you know? You can monitor locations for nearby sex offenders.

Sex Offenders can pose a dangerous threat to your loved ones. Activate Sex Offender Watch with just a flip of a switch to monitor an address for nearby sex offenders. Access all new sex offender alerts in one convenient place by clicking on the “Sex Offender Watch” tab in the navigation bar.

Select an address from Michael's location history

100 Available Sex Offender Records Nearby

1125 Beaver St, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404

Please Note: Due to the location information currently available to us we are unable to pinpoint the exact location of some sex offenders in this area on the map above. However, all other pertinent information is provided in the list below.

First and Last Name

Dale Wright

View Background Report

Location Details

Transient, Santa Rosa, CA, 95401



First and Last Name

Thomas Michael Flugrad

View Background Report

Location Details

Transient, Santa Rosa, CA, 95401



First and Last Name

Thomas Eugene Ritch

View Background Report

Location Details

1438 Apple Creek Ln, Santa Rosa, CA, 95401



First and Last Name

Michael Che Che Alston

View Background Report

Location Details

777 Aston Ave 2, Santa Rosa, CA, 95404


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Business profiles

This section includes business related information that we have found on this person such as business affiliations or employment history.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover businesses information for Michael Vernon Gause.

13% of Americans Own Their Own Business.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If businesses data for Michael Vernon Gause becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

'0' Results Found

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This section contains possible licenses that we have found for Michael Gause. Possible data may include FAA pilot licenses and DEA licenses for prescribing controlled pharmaceuticals.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover licenses information for Michael Vernon Gause.

There are 618,660 FAA certified pilots in the U.S.
That's less than 0.2% of the population.

So, if FAA license information doesn't show up here, Michael Vernon Gause may not have one.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If licenses data for Michael Vernon Gause becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

'0' Results Found

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This section includes financial information that we have found on this person such as bankruptcies, liens, judgments, foreclosures or evictions.

Our extensive public records search did not uncover finances information for Michael Vernon Gause.

We refresh our databases every 24 hours. If finances data for Michael Vernon Gause becomes available, we can add their data ASAP.

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Any comment below was authored and submitted by a TruthFinder user. TruthFinder did not author or develop this comment, does not express a view as to whether the comment is accurate or truthful, and does not warrant or represent that the comment is accurate or truthful. If you believe a comment is not accurate, not truthful, or otherwise violates the User Comments Terms of Use, please contact TruthFinder at HELP@TRUTHFINDER.COM so the comment may be evaluated for possible removal.

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This section includes assets information that we have found on this person. Possible data may include properties owned, watercrafts owned and vehicles owned or driven.

Vehicles Owned or Driven
Vehicle Make and Model

Toyota Matrix

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)


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